uAvionix Announces TSO Authorization for tailBeaconX Mode S ADS-B Transponder

Bigfork, Montana – January 26,2021 – uAvionix today announced it has received FAA Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA) for its tailBeaconX 1090MHz ADS-B OUT transponder. The highly integrated device, which replaces a rear navigation light, includes and combines transponder, ADS-B OUT, SBAS GPS, and rear LED position light. The TSOA includes the following: TSO-C112e Level [...]

2021-01-26T16:04:17-06:0001/26/21|Press Release|

uAvionix Enters the Defense UAV Market with Full Lineup of IFF Solutions

Bigfork, Montana – January 26, 2021 – uAvionix, the leader in certified and miniaturized communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) avionics today announced it has been investing in the development and certification of a full lineup of Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) solutions for the small, tactical, and attritable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) defense platforms.  Incorporation [...]

2021-01-26T08:52:45-06:0001/26/21|Press Release|

What’s the difference between IFF and Micro IFF?

Written by Dr. Jim Davis, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs at uAvionix, featured at Military Embedded Systems. The idea of combat ID or IFF is to provide a warfighter with a means of instantly determining if an encountered entity is friendly or hostile. With aircraft, the specific technology employed is an IFF transponder.


uAvionix Launches pingStation 2 Dual-Frequency ADS-B Receiver

Bigfork, Montana ― January 12, 2021 ― uAvionix today launched its upgraded dual-frequency ADS-B receiver, pingStation 2. The high-integrity, low-cost ADS-B ground station provides for networkable low-altitude airspace and airport surface monitoring, as well as Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Ground Control Station (GCS) integration for Detect & Avoid (DAA) capability. pingStation 2 integrates 978 and [...]

2021-01-12T11:13:29-06:0001/12/21|Press Release|

uAvionix Announces Launch Customer Airbus Zephyr for ping200X and truFYX

Bigfork, Montana – uAvionix today announced that launch customer Airbus has successfully integrated and flown the uAvionix ping200X ADS-B transponder and truFYX GPS throughout its Zephyr High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) 2020 flight test campaign in Arizona. Zephyr is a solar-electric, stratospheric UAS that flies above weather and conventional air traffic, filling a capability gap [...]

2021-01-05T10:29:19-06:0001/05/21|Press Release|
