Musings and observations from the uAvionix team.

Mode S and the Ghosts of Equipment Past

In consultation with uAvionix, the FAA has just released a SAFO (Safety Alert for Operators) regarding the pairing of Mode S transponders with skyBeacon and tailBeacon. Although the SAFO is short and to the point, and impacts less than 1% of installed skyBeacon and tailBeacons, it merits explanation as to why it exists. It is [...]


Connecting the Cockpit

Ryan Braun - uAvionix Managing Director, Crewed Aviation As a technology enthusiast and consummate early adopter, it grates on me how quickly things become outdated, outmoded, and incompatible. Some of these challenges are a result of the march of progress. I get that HDTV and digital video connections are far superior to old analog TV [...]


Electronic Conspicuity vs. TABS

The Right of Way Discussion Hey FAA, AOPA, NAAA, HAI, and Drone Industry at Large… We have to talk about this. Last year when the BVLOS ARC came out with its recommendations, one of them created what I can only call a sh*t-storm of controversy. It all has to do with expanded use of ADS-B [...]


MBI Selected as Program Manager for Pennsylvania Safety Transportation and Research Track

State-of-the-art training, research, and testing facility will address the transportation safety and operational needs of Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic Region PITTSBURGH (September 15, 2023) – Michael Baker International, a global leader in engineering, planning and consulting services, announced today that the firm has been selected as the program manager for the  Pennsylvania Safety Transportation and Research [...]


The FAA’s UAS Remote Identification Rule and Its Applicability to the UAS Aviation Insurance Industry

Christian Ramsey, Managing Director uAvionix Corporation As the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) continues to increase, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has introduced the UAS Remote Identification (RID) Rule to ensure airspace safety and security. This rule, which goes into effect in September 2023, requires that UAS comply to facilitate their identification and tracking. [...]


Reducing Runway Incursions Isn’t a $100M Problem.  It’s Much Less

Christian Ramsey, Managing Director Aviation Networks This week, the FAA announced it has awarded more than $100M to 12 airports across the country to reduce runway incursions.  Funding ranges from $223K to the single runway Waverly Municipal Airport (C25) to $6M to Miami International Airport (MIA). The announcement comes at an interesting time for two [...]


What’s Up There? – High Altitude Airspace Management

Lots of news lately with high altitude spy balloons, unidentified “objects”, and air-to-air “kills” (does it count as a kill if it isn’t crewed?)   What is being revealed is something that is not well known to the public – there’s more up there than you think. The truth is, it isn’t very expensive or hard [...]


uAvionix helps enhance Flight Information Services Officers situational awareness in the UK

For decades commercial aviation has relied on highly regulated technology to enhance safety. Airlines and Business Aviation largely rely on certified avionics and Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) have long relied on certified IT systems layered on certified surveillance systems to safely separate traffic. These technologies are in continuous development, albeit subject to the most [...]


Next-Gen Airport Surface Safety

Airfield snow removal teams leap to action when others seek shelter, facing a no-fail mission to prepare the runway surface for pilots dealing with the chaos of deteriorating weather. This chaos amplifies runway safety hazards, and too often leads to near-catastrophic encounters. Two recent examples demonstrate the extreme runway safety hazard encountered in the [...]


Overcoming the Mode 5 SWaP Challenge in the RQ-21A STUAS

Earlier this year uAvionix’s RT-2087/ZPX-B Micro IFF Transponder (ZPX-B) became the world’s smallest and lightest AIMS-certified Mode 5 transponder, creating new equipage opportunities for vertical-lift aircraft, where weight savings translate to longer flight duration or heavier payload. Small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) especially benefit because size and weight traditionally have been deal-breakers for Mode [...]


ADS-B INERT and ALERT for UAS Revisited

Back in 2018 – we published a white paper titled “Inert and Alert: Intelligent ADS-B for UAS NAS Integration: Concept of Operations.”  In it, we described a concept for a way to leverage the undeniable safety benefits of ADS-B for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) without “overwhelming the spectrum” as is oft-repeated when the topic [...]


A Radio Isn’t a Radio

To many, radio frequency (RF) concepts are black-box magic. We live in a world where “wireless” technologies are taken for granted – mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth – we can even pay for stuff by waving our credit card over a magic symbol at the check-out counter.  It just works, and we don’t even think about [...]


Diversity Transponders and Space-Based ADS-B

Why Diversity Matters A typical transponder and ADS-B system for General Aviation (GA) uses a single, bottom-mounted antenna, which provides the best line of sight to ADS-B receivers and secondary surveillance radar (SSR) systems on the ground. However, there is a growing use of space-based ADS-B receivers around the world, which poses a problem [...]


Groundbreaking, and we mean it

The words “groundbreaking transponder technology” haven’t been uttered without hyperbole since the transition from tubes to digital. We’re prepared to make that claim today with the FAA TSO authorization for the uAvionix tailBeaconX and are bursting at the seams to share why exactly we feel that way. tailBeaconX is the first certified embodiment of uAvionix’s [...]


What’s the difference between IFF and Micro IFF?

Written by Dr. Jim Davis, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs at uAvionix, featured at Military Embedded Systems. The idea of combat ID or IFF is to provide a warfighter with a means of instantly determining if an encountered entity is friendly or hostile. With aircraft, the specific technology employed is an IFF transponder.


Flylogix takes first UAS BVLOS flight over the North Sea with uAvionix ping200X

The uAvionix ping200X transponder and truFYX GPS recently enabled UAS specialists, Flylogix, to conduct ambitious Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations in the North Sea.   Who is Flylogix? Flylogix is a team of unmanned aircraft system operators with a mission to make our world a better place with UAS at the fulcrum. The UK based team is delivering smarter [...]


Avionics Needs for Urban Air Mobility

Currently, Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is all the rage.  As an industry – we tend to bounce around every few months to a new “thing” which occupies all the press, chatter, and investment.  In the past, it’s been Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS), package delivery, Detect and Avoid (DAA), Unmanned [...]


uAvionix tailBeacon Approved for Rotorcraft!

What’s going on? When we achieved STC certification of tailBeacon, we made a cautious decision to announce that installation on rotorcraft was not permitted. Understandably, we received a lot of feedback and disappointment from the helicopter community. This disappointment was justified in that we had previously communicated that tailBeacon would be [...]

