Mode 5 L2/2-B and ADS-B Receiver

The uAvionix ZPR is a passive Mode 5 L2/2-B IFF and civil 1090 MHz ADS-B receiver system that provides situational awareness of civil and military aircraft in national airspaces or on the battlefield.

The low Size, Weight, and Power Consumption (SWaP) characteristics make ZPR ideal for airborne and shipboard deployments, as well as for temporary or permanent ground-based installation.





The ZPR system design is based on hardware and software deployed in the uAvionix AIMS-certified RT-2087/ZPX Mode 5 Micro IFF transponder.


Specification Value
Input Voltage 8-32V
1W Continuous
Size 83 x 47 x 15 mm
Weight 50 grams
Operating Temp -45 to 70°C
Receiver Sensitivity
ADS-B Rx MDL -79dBm ±2dB
Mode 5 MDL L2/2-B Rx -84dBm
Range -1000 to 126,750ft
Host Interface
Baudrate 57,600 bps RS-232
Protocol uAvionix OEM Protocol
Position Interface
Baudrate 115,200 bps RS-232
Protocol uAvionix OEM Protocol
Traffic Interface
Baudrate 115,200 bps RS-232
Protocol GDL90+ / DoD AIMS 23-901
KIV Interface
AIMS 04-900(A) Option B (KIV-77 / KIV-79)
Crypto Emulator Internal
uAvionix truFYX SIL 3 Position Source
NSM programming for crypto emulator

Discover ZPR

Contact us for more information about the ZPR and uAvionix’s ZPX line of Defense products and services.

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