Our Brand
The uAvionix logo and media assets are invaluable materials to the company, and require careful attention to accurately represent our brand. Please consult this page for recent product photos, marketing flyers, brochures, brand guidelines, and the appropriate contacts for additional materials and approvals.

Logo Pack ZIP
Please adhere to these guidelines when using any uAvionix branded assets:
- When referencing our name in any instance ensure uAvionix is properly formatted. Our name always has a lowercase u and a capital A.
- Correct formatting: uAvionix
- Incorrect formatting: Uavionix, UAVIONIX, uavioni, or uAvioniX
- Product titles must always be camel case; meaning the first letter of the name is lowercase and the first letter of the second word is capital.
- Correct Formatting: tailBeacon
- Incorrect Formatting: Tailbeacon, tailbeacon, TAILBEACON, or TailBeacon
- When using our logo, ensure there is enough contrast between our logo and the background. For instance, use a white version of our logo on a dark background.
- Always scale our logo proportionately. Do not stretch, squeeze, squish, or shear our logo.
- Please default to the gray and red color combination of our logo. Only use a white or black version when a background will NOT sufficiently contrast with our default logo.
Brochures & Flyers
Media Request
Please complete the form to request additional images or marketing materials.