- skyBeacon STC data package accepted by FAA with 272 aircraft AML
- Shipping by the end of November
- How to get skyBeacon installed
- Wingtip fairing adapters
- tailBeacon update
- Starboard options – skyLight and skySensor
STC Data Submitted to FAA

How do I Install skyBeacon?
What’s the AML?
Will it fit on my…….?
Which aircraft are covered by the STC?
What if my aircraft is not on the AML?
Good news! Under FAA Memo titled ” Installation Approval for ADS-B OUT Systems, ” the FAA explains that after an STC is achieved for ADS-B OUT equipment, additional installations can be accomplished with an A&P with Inspection Authorization (IA) so long as the installation does not require airframe modification. This process requires completion of a form called FAA Form 337 MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION. We are providing guidance with a sample skyBeacon Form 337 and will post on our website once we begin shipping to make the process easier. We have more info on this on our FAQ on the skyBeacon product page. Also see the sidebar from an article from AEA in Avionics Magazine.


Wingtip Fairing Adapters
In order to make skyBeacon more accessible to more aircraft – we’ve developed two wingtip fairing adapters. These adapters aren’t quite ready to ship just yet, but will be available shortly for only $100 each. We expect to be shipping these by the end of the year.

What about tailBeacon???