AV-HSI-E Software v1.0.0 is compatible with AV-30-E software version 3.0.1. Refer to the AV-30-E 3.0.1 service bulletin for AV-30-E update instructions. This AV-HSI-E software release implements the following changes: 

  • Ability to concurrently connect a NMEA GPS and a Serial VOR/ILS receiver. 
  • Enables ARINC 429 autopilot heading, course, and set altitude without requiring Advanced Autopilot Unlock. The Advanced Autopilot Unlock is now limited to unlocking GPSS processing. 
  • Update attitude comparison algorithm to prevent false alerts. 
Products Affected:
AV-HSI-E (UAV-1007444-001) running firmware 0.1.3 and earlier