In this release:

  • Update NACv limiting
  • Increase controller compatibility

Products affected:

tailBeaconX TSO (see Service Bulletin for details)

Service Bulletin:
If the tailbeaconX was installed using the STC or the FAA ADS-B Policy Memo please follow the STC Service Bulletin:
STC Service Bulletin tailBeaconX Upgrade to ADS-B 3.4.0

If the tailBeaconX was installed through a field approval please follow the TSO Service Bulletin:
TSO Service Bulletin tailBeaconX Upgrade to ADS-B 3.4.0

Beacon Update Tool:
UAV-1002767 BeaconUpdate Tool v1.2.1

tailBeaconX 3.4.0 Software:
UAV-1002393-005 tailBeaconX ADS-B v3.4.0