Will tailBeacon work outside the U.S.?

A skyBeacon/tailBeacon can legally be used to enter and exit United States airspace. Pilots must also be familiar with and comply with the destination country's ADS-B rules if applicable. At this time Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas do not have any ADS-B requirements for light aircraft.

2019-12-02T09:13:01-06:0008/11/18|, |

How does skyBeacon install?

skyBeacon is designed to be a direct replacement for the common navigation light or nav/strobe found on many aircraft.  skyBeacon has the form factor and installation characteristics of a traditional Grimes style teardrop shaped wingtip navigation light.   skyBeacon is a direct replacement for the lights shown below (as an example). Figure 1: "Grimes" style position [...]

2019-02-13T13:36:04-06:0008/09/18|, |

Which aircraft have approval for installation of skyBeacon?

skyBeacon is eligible for installation on any certified aircraft (part 23), that operates below FL180 (18,000’). STC Information as well as the Approved Model List (AML) for skyBeacon is located here.  It is important to note under FAA policy the skyBeacon can be approved on any almost any airplane regardless of whether or not [...]


Does skyBeacon work with tip tanks?

We do not currently recommend skyBeacon be installed on aircraft with fuel tanks commonly referred to as tip tanks which were popular additions to some aircraft. Tip tanks or other large obstructions on the wing may negatively impact GPS performance. For guidance on fitment and installation submit a photo of your wingtip along with the [...]

2019-02-13T13:35:54-06:0010/15/18|, , |

Can I install skyBeacon as the owner of the aircraft?

Experimental Aircraft: Yes Light Sport Aircraft: With manufacturer approval. Certified Aircraft: You cannot install skyBeacon unless you have Inspection Authority for your aircraft.  We recommend you contact an avionics installation facility or your regular Inspection Authorization (IA).  Most IAs, aircraft maintenance facilities, and/or repair stations are also qualified to install skyBeacon.  Please note that the [...]

2019-01-29T15:18:46-06:0008/09/18|, |

Who can install the skyBeacon or tailBeacon TSO units?

For certified aircraft, the skyBeacon and tailBeacon TSO units must at the very least be installed by an Airframe and Powerplant mechanic (A&P) and the installation must be reviewed and approved (signed off) by an IA. Part 145 shops and facilities with avionics expertise will optimize timely installation and downtime in addition to reducing overall [...]

2019-09-23T14:08:42-05:0008/09/18|, , , |

What is the installation process?

The skyBeacon has been designed to be a simple installation. Please see the Installation Manual and Pilot’s Guide for full instructions.  The installation process is to first remove the existing left-hand wingtip light. Connect the skyBeacon using the three wires as per the installation instructions and use the three screws to attach the skyBeacon to [...]

2019-01-29T15:19:06-06:0008/09/18|, |

How long does a typical installation take?

A typical skyBeacon installation will take an installer around 1 hour – this is the time taken for the physical installation of the skyBeacon to the aircraft and the paperwork needed to sign off the installation. Please note that all aircraft are different, especially older aircraft that have been modified for other STC’s. This can [...]

2019-01-29T15:19:15-06:0008/09/18|, |

How is the installation tested to ensure it meets the FAA Requirements?

Once the skyBeacon has been installed it is required that the equipment be tested to show it meets the FAA requirements for ADS-B OUT. An Operational Flight Evaluation (often referred to as a performance flight) must be performed and verified by the FAA.  Additionally, the installer may verify performance on the ground using an ADS-B [...]

What does the Operational Flight Evaluation consist of?

To summarize the requirements of AC20-165B (see links below):  The performance flight should take place for a minimum of 30 minutes from wheels up.  The aircraft should climb to 3,000’+ AGL and perform a minimum of 2 360 degree turns in each direction.  Banks in excess of 30 degrees and extreme maneuvers and attitudes should [...]

Do the aircraft position/nav lights need to remain on during all operations?

Yes, the position lights need to remain switched on during all operations.  Removing power from the position lights also removes power from skyBeacon and/or tailBeacon.  According to 91.225(f) “Each person operating an aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out must operate this equipment in the transmit mode at all times.”

Does the TCAS limitation apply to my aircraft?

The only impacted aircraft are those with active (interrogating) TCAS systems.  These systems provide aural resolution advisories, and will generally be marked as TSO-C119.  TCAS systems are required for Part 135 operations on large turbine powered aircraft. Aircraft equipped with TIS or ADS-B In systems for traffic awareness are NOT impacted. Also not impacted are [...]

How is my device protected from theft?

The certified skyBeacon and tailBeacon feature a unique password secured configuration interface via Wi-Fi.  A user must enter the password to change the device configuration including the aircraft ICAO and callsign.   The password is unique to the device, and once configured, cannot be reconfigured for another aircraft without that password. The password is essentially an [...]

2019-09-04T16:06:20-05:0010/26/18|, , , |

Will skyBeacon meet the U.S. ADS-B 2020 mandate?

Yes, skyBeacon will meet the 2020 ADS-B requirements when paired with an existing operational Mode C transponder.  skyBeacon meets or exceeds all required performance and environmental standards for use in the national airspace.   The certified skyBeacon will ship with 5 separate TSO certifications. UAT Transmitter:  TSO-C154c Class B1S WAAS GPS:  TSO-C145d Class Beta I Altitude [...]

2023-01-10T20:58:05-06:0008/16/17|, |

Will skyBeacon work outside the U.S.?

A skyBeacon/tailBeacon can legally be used to enter and exit United States airspace. Pilots must also be familiar with and comply with the destination country's ADS-B rules if applicable. At this time Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas do not have any ADS-B requirements for light aircraft.

2019-12-02T09:14:03-06:0008/16/17|, |
