uAvionix AV-30-C STC Now Available to EASA Aircraft

Bigfork, Montana – March 17, 2021 – uAvionix today announced it has received an EASA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for its AV-30-C Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) for over 330 aircraft models available in Europe.  With the STC approval, uAvionix will begin shipping product immediately to customers who have placed pre-orders either directly with uAvionix [...]

2021-03-17T16:21:58-05:0003/17/21|Press Release|

Ping1090i UAS ADS-B Transceiver Now Approved in Australia

uAvionix Corporation today announced that the ping1090i Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) ADS-B transceiver has been accepted by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Australia as an approved Electronic Conspicuity (EC) Device. Ping1090i is the world’s smallest 1090MHz ADS-B IN and OUT transceiver specifically designed to support small aircraft that require ultra-light and low power-consuming [...]

2021-02-25T09:44:20-06:0002/25/21|Press Release|

uAvionix AV-20-S Approved as Clock Replacement

Bigfork, Montana – February 2, 2021 – uAvionix today announced that the AV-20-S multi-function display has been approved by the FAA as a clock replacement for Part 23, Class I and II Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) aircraft as outlined in Advisory Circular (AC) 20-94A and meeting the requirements of 14 CFR 91.205(d)(6).  The AV-20-S Non-Required [...]

2021-02-02T15:41:32-06:0002/02/21|Press Release|

uAvionix Announces TSO Authorization for tailBeaconX Mode S ADS-B Transponder

Bigfork, Montana – January 26,2021 – uAvionix today announced it has received FAA Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA) for its tailBeaconX 1090MHz ADS-B OUT transponder. The highly integrated device, which replaces a rear navigation light, includes and combines transponder, ADS-B OUT, SBAS GPS, and rear LED position light. The TSOA includes the following: TSO-C112e Level [...]

2021-01-26T16:04:17-06:0001/26/21|Press Release|

uAvionix Enters the Defense UAV Market with Full Lineup of IFF Solutions

Bigfork, Montana – January 26, 2021 – uAvionix, the leader in certified and miniaturized communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) avionics today announced it has been investing in the development and certification of a full lineup of Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) solutions for the small, tactical, and attritable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) defense platforms.  Incorporation [...]

2021-01-26T08:52:45-06:0001/26/21|Press Release|

uAvionix Launches pingStation 2 Dual-Frequency ADS-B Receiver

Bigfork, Montana ― January 12, 2021 ― uAvionix today launched its upgraded dual-frequency ADS-B receiver, pingStation 2. The high-integrity, low-cost ADS-B ground station provides for networkable low-altitude airspace and airport surface monitoring, as well as Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Ground Control Station (GCS) integration for Detect & Avoid (DAA) capability. pingStation 2 integrates 978 and [...]

2021-01-12T11:13:29-06:0001/12/21|Press Release|

uAvionix Announces Launch Customer Airbus Zephyr for ping200X and truFYX

Bigfork, Montana – uAvionix today announced that launch customer Airbus has successfully integrated and flown the uAvionix ping200X ADS-B transponder and truFYX GPS throughout its Zephyr High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) 2020 flight test campaign in Arizona. Zephyr is a solar-electric, stratospheric UAS that flies above weather and conventional air traffic, filling a capability gap [...]

2021-01-05T10:29:19-06:0001/05/21|Press Release|

SkyDemon adds native in-app configuration for SkyEcho

Bigfork, Montana – uAvionix Corporation announces SkyEcho, uAvionix's portable Electronic Conspicuity ADS-B IN/OUT transceiver for the EU/UK, receives native in-app configuration support on SkyDemon, the popular Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) for pilots in Europe. How it Works The added in-app support allows pilots to enable/disable SkyEcho's ADS-B transmission, set the transmitted callsign, and edit the [...]

2020-12-17T23:49:34-06:0012/18/20|Press Release|

uAvionix to Provide BVLOS C2 Infrastructure and Service to Vantis, North Dakota’s Statewide UAS Network

uAvionix today announces its participation in the deployment of Vantis, North Dakota’s statewide Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) infrastructure and network led by the Northern Plains UAS Test Site. As a strategic partner to Thales' TopSky Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) platform, uAvionix is deploying terrestrial command and control (C2) [...]

2020-11-19T10:27:21-06:0011/19/20|Press Release|

uAvionix Files FAA TSO Application for World’s First Certified Drone Transponder

Bigfork, Montana — October 20, 2020, uAvionix Corporation announced it has filed a Technical Standard Order (TSO) application with the FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) for its flagship Mode S ADS-B OUT transponder for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The ping200X follows a line of groundbreaking, low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) avionics developed and certified [...]

2020-11-18T07:35:58-06:0010/20/20|Press Release|

uAvionix Receives Patent for UAS Remote Identification

Bigfork, Montana –– uAvionix, a pioneer in communications, navigation, and surveillance avionics for unmanned systems, today announced it has been granted a new patent critical to safe and secure integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into National Airspace Systems (NAS).  U.S. Patent 10,733,894, titled “Direct-Broadcast Remote Identification (RID) Device for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)” addresses [...]

2020-10-07T10:53:24-05:0010/07/20|Press Release|

AV-30-C is FAA Approved

Bigfork, Montana –– Today, uAvionix Corporation announced the long-awaited AV-30-C panel display has received FAA STC (Supplemental Type Certification) approval. The AV-30-C offers pilots an effective and affordable AI or DG replacement that goes far beyond a single feature gauge. AV-30-C is installable as either an AI or DG and adds a suite of in-flight [...]

2020-09-02T09:10:49-05:0009/01/20|Press Release|

Introducing pingRX Pro

Bigfork, Montana –– Today uAvionix announced the release of pingRX Pro, a new Detect and Avoid (DAA) ADS-B Receiver for professional Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). pingRX Pro detects private and commercial aircraft operating on 978MHz and 1090MHz. The received aircraft identity, position, and altitude are visualized on a moving map in real-time allowing the UAS operator [...]

2020-08-12T14:54:09-05:0008/11/20|Press Release|

SkyEcho Portable ADS-B IN/OUT Now Approved in Australia

Bigfork, Montana –– uAvionix Corporation today announced that the SkyEcho portable ADS-B transceiver has been accepted by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Australia as an approved Electronic Conspicuity (EC) Device. Under this approval, SkyEcho can be used in VFR aircraft under FL290 as an enhancement to “See and Be Seen”. SkyEcho is the [...]

2020-07-07T19:06:38-05:0007/07/20|Press Release|

ForeFlight Adds skySensor to Connect

Bigfork, Montana –– Today, uAvionix Corporation announced that the skySensor wingtip mounted ADS-B receiver has officially been added to the ForeFlight Connect program. ForeFlight Connect enables portable and installed avionics to connect with the ForeFlight Mobile app to deliver capabilities such as ADS-B weather and traffic and GPS position. Official Connect products ensure full compatibility [...]

2020-06-30T12:36:14-05:0006/30/20|Press Release|

uAvionix Files Application for tailBeaconX TSO

Bigfork, Montana –– Today, uAvionix Corporation announced it has filed a TSO application for the tailBeaconX Mode S and ADS-B transponder. tailBeaconX builds on the popular skyBeacon/tailBeacon formula, utilizing existing aircraft lighting locations for mounting and access to aircraft power for reduced installation complexity and cost. tailBeaconX features an integrated Mode S transponder with 1090ES [...]

2021-01-20T13:23:19-06:0006/19/20|Press Release|

uAvionix President Christian Ramsey Appointed to FAA Drone Advisory Committee

Bigfork, MT February 21, 2020 uAvionix and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced the appointment of Christian Ramsey, President of uAvionix, to the FAA’s Drone Advisory Committee (DAC).  Christian will fill an existing vacancy on the DAC representing UAS Hardware Component Manufacturers. The FAA’s DAC is a broad-based, long-term Federal advisory committee that [...]

2020-02-21T10:43:58-06:0002/21/20|Press Release|

uAvionix Launches tailBeaconX Transponder for General Aviation and Urban Air Mobility

Bigfork, MT February 18, 2020 uAvionix today introduced a new ADS-B transponder to its General Aviation (GA) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) lineup.  tailBeaconX, the new Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) ADS-B OUT transponder is intended to address global air traffic surveillance system requirements for current and future ADS-B mandates. Integration with the uAvionix [...]

2021-01-20T23:36:40-06:0002/18/20|Press Release|

uAvionix SkyEcho 2 Electronic Conspicuity Devices Cleared for Unrestricted Transmission in the UK

Bigfork, MT December 11, 2019 uAvionix Corporation today announced that its SkyEcho Electronic Conspicuity (EC) devices will shortly be cleared by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to transmit ADS-B data on 1090MHz, when carried in an aircraft also operating a 1090MHz transponder, including Modes A, C, and S. The clearance will be [...]

2019-12-11T12:02:55-06:0012/11/19|Press Release|

uAvionix Announces FAA Qualification of Airport Vehicle ADS-B Transmitter

Bigfork, MT December 9, 2019 uAvionix, designer and manufacturer of communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) equipment for unmanned and manned aircraft, today announced Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval of the Vehicle Tracking Unit (VTU-20) Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) transmitter for airport surface management. Adhering to the performance and design assurance specifications [...]

2019-12-09T09:10:19-06:0012/09/19|Press Release|
