AV-Link-E Service Bulletin Software Upgrade 0.2.39

Description: AV-Link-E Software v0.2.39 implements the following changes: • AV-30 Over-the-Air update reliability improvement • Add a check to verify AV-30 software update files • Minor UI enhancements Products Affected: AV-Link (UAV-1005443-001) running firmware v0.2.38 and earlier Service Bulletin: AV-Link-E v0.2.39 Service Bulletin Software Upgrade AV-Link-E v 0.2.39 Firmware: UAV-1005443-001 AV-Link-E Software Update v0.2.39 [...]

2022-06-10T21:16:30-05:0006/10/22|Service Bulletin, Support|

uAvionix receives EASA STC for tailBeaconX and is now shipping into European markets.

Today, uAvionix announced it received a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) 10079395 by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for its tailBeaconX 1090 MHz ADS-B transponder. The Approved Model List (AML) equals the original FAA STC-AML SA04568CH and contains over 550 aircraft make and models with a European type certificate for which this STC [...]

2022-06-03T15:27:35-05:0006/07/22|Press Release|

uAvionix now supports seamless integration of ping200X and ping200XR transponders with ArduPilot

uAvionix announced today that users of the industry’s most commonly adopted autopilot platforms such as CubePilot, Pixhawk, and George, can now seamlessly integrate the uAvionix ping200X Technical Standard Order (TSO) and ping200XR into their platform. The latest versions of Mission Planner and ArduPilot now allow for native control of the uAvionix ping200X TSO and [...]

2022-06-06T15:54:02-05:0006/06/22|Press Release|

uAvionix introduces AV-Mag External Magnetometer for AV-30

June 1, 2022 – Bigfork, Montana – uAvionix today announced AV-Mag, the high precision 3-axis external magnetometer for AV-30 panel displays. AV-Mag, when paired with an AV-30, will provide consistent and accurate magnetic heading information. With its ability to precisely measure the earth’s magnetic field and aid the AV-30 directional heading measurement, AV-Mag offers [...]

2022-06-01T14:04:12-05:0006/01/22|Press Release|