We’re excited to share an update on skyBeacon for certified aircraft. As you know, skyBeacon combines numerous technologies in a never before certified form factor. The reception from pilots and publications alike has been overwhelmingly positive, and the demand for certified installations has only served to reinforce our belief in the importance of skyBeacon.

Update Highlights:
We’ve been working hard to complete certification efforts for the skyBeacon. The FAA has been a crucial partner as we explore ways to bring innovation to certified aircraft, and we look forward to sharing that story when the time is right. In the meantime, please know that we’re working diligently to deliver an exceptional product, and expect certification to be complete this spring.
What is the current status?
We are receiving several calls and emails asking when we expect certification. We previously communicated a Q1 2018 STC AML, but have changed our approach to full TSO certification after careful deliberation with the FAA. As such, we are updating our timing to project a TSO completion in Q2 2018. We are making good progress and are confident it will happen, even if a little later than we initially anticipated. This has been a collaborative process with the FAA and they have reviewed and provided feedback to several of the documents and plans that are required for the final submittal, which will occur by the end of March upon conclusion and documentation of the ongoing test activities.

Will it be available for my aircraft?
We recognize the ease (and low cost) of installation is a key differentiator, and will do everything possible to make installations on certified aircraft as simple as possible. At release, an STC will be available for several of the most popular aircraft models. We’ll work to quickly expand the Approved Model List, and expect that skyBeacon installations on non-STC’d models will be a minor alteration which can be signed off on by an A&P holding an IA or a Part 145 repair station. Finally, we’ve been working on a solution in a slightly different form factor for those who cannot fit SkyBeacon onto the wing. We’ll be introducing tailBeacon, an ADS-B out solution designed as an LED tail position light replacement. We expect tailBeacon to be available for the experimental market in early Q2 with certification by AirVenture 2018.