For Experimental Installation Only echoESX TSO for certified aircraft is a remotely mounted transponder system that meets the Transponder and Automatic Depedent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) requirments for operating in controlled airpsace. The echoESX TSO combines a Mode S transponder and 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B transmitter with an SBAS Global Positioning System (GPS) position source for compliant ADS-B Out transmissions. Extend echoESX and your panel's functionality when you pair AV-30-C as echoESX's control head. AV-30 also functions as a digital primary AI or DG display with even more features for limitless possibilities. Learn More about echoESX TSO Learn More about AV-30
For Experimental Installation Only Introducing the new echoESX EXP for Experimental aircraft, a remotely mounted transponder system that meets the Transponder and Automatic Depedent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) requirments for operating in controlled airpsace. The echoESX EXP combines a Mode S transponder and 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B transmitter with an SBAS Global Positioning System (GPS) position source for compliant ADS-B Out transmissions. Elevate your aircraft's safety with echoESX and further enhance your panel’s capabilities by using the AV-20-E as echoESX’s control head.. AV-20-E offers a 12-in-1 clock replacement that brings added functionality without sacrificing simplicity! Learn More about echoESX EXP Learn More about AV-20-E
AV-APA PMA Is Now Available for Pre-order! Shipping Spring 2025. The AV-APA PMA (analog port adapter) accessory enables aircraft owners with legacy autopilots to replace their old, heavy, vacuum-driven directional gyro with a more capable, lighter, digital AV-30 and potentially remove their vacuum system entirely. The AV-APA PMA emulates the analog heading signal used by legacy autopilots to provide heading hold as well as the ability to follow GPS tracks from a portable or IFR GPS. Features:
- Supported Modes include: GPS Desired Track, GPS Track Hold, GPS Bearing, GPS Steering (GPSS*)
- Supported Autopilots include: S-TEC Systems 20/30/40/50/55/55X/60-1/60-2/
65 - AV-APA PMA Installation Kit includes connectors, connector housings, and pins
AV-HSI PMA Is Now Available for Pre-order! Shipping Spring 2025. The AV-HSI PMA enables essential course and glideslope guidance for ILS (Instrument Landing System) and Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approaches. Interfacing with most panel-mounted GPS navigators through three ARINC 429 channels (2 RX, 1 TX), the AV-HSI PMA accessory for the AV-30 communicates course and glideslope guidance for display on the AV-30 during GPS and ILS precision instrument approaches and navigation. Features: The AV-HSI PMA includes four serial ports for connections to NAV/COMM radios and to act as a hub between multiple AV-30's. With the AV-HSI, multiple connected AV-30's can receive navigation guidance as well as synchronized barometric and heading bug settings and OAT data. Supported GPS Navigators:
- Avidyne IFD 410/440 and 510/540/545
- Garmin GPS 400(w)/GNC 420(w)
- Garmin GNS 430(w)/530(w)
- Garmin GTN 650(xi)/750(xi)
- Garmin GPS 175/GNC 355/GNX 375
- Garmin GPS 155XL/300XL
- Avidyne IFD 440/540/550
- Garmin GNS 430(w)/530(w)
- Garmin GNC-215
- Garmin GTN 650(xi)/750(xi)
- Garmin GNC 255
- Garmin/Apollo SL30
- Trig TX56(a)
Supported Autopilots:- Trio Pro Pilot
- TruTrak Vizion 385/PMA
- Bendix King Aerocruze 100/xCruze 100
The AV-HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) enables essential course and glideslope guidance for ILS (Instrument Landing System) and Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approaches. Interfacing with most panel-mounted GPS navigators through three ARINC 429 channels (2 RX, 1 TX), the AV-HSI accessory for the AV-30 communicates course and glideslope guidance for display on the AV-30 during GPS and ILS precision instrument approaches and navigation. Features: The AV-HSI includes four serial ports for connections to NAV/COMM radios and to act as a hub between multiple AV-30's. With the AV-HSI, multiple connected AV-30's can receive navigation guidance as well as synchronized barometric and heading bug settings and OAT data. Supported GPS Navigators:
- Avidyne IFD 410/440 and 510/540/545
- Garmin GPS 400(w)/GNC 420(w)
- Garmin GNS 430(w)/530(w)
- Garmin GTN 650(xi)/750(xi)
- Garmin GPS 175/GNC 355/GNX 375
- Garmin GPS 155XL/300XL
- Avidyne IFD 440/540/550
- Garmin GNS 430(w)/530(w)
- Garmin GNC-215
- Garmin GTN 650(xi)/750(xi)
- Garmin GNC 255
- Garmin/Apollo SL30
- Trig TX56(a)
For Experimental Installation Only The next era of global ADS-B. Compatible with space and ground-based ADS-B surveillance systems, tailBeaconX is a Mode S Extended Squitter ADS-B transponder and WAAS GPS integrated into an LED rear position light. With global compliance, tailBeaconX is the key to limitless destinations. Extend tailBeaconX and your panel's functionality when you pair AV-30 as tailBeaconX's control head. AV-30 also functions as a digital primary AI or DG display with even more features for limitless possibilities. Learn More about tailBeaconX Learn More about AV-30
For Experimental Installation Only The next era of global ADS-B. Compatible with space and ground-based ADS-B surveillance systems, tailBeaconX is a Mode S Extended Squitter ADS-B transponder and WAAS GPS integrated into an LED rear position light. With global compliance, tailBeaconX is the key to limitless destinations. Extend tailBeaconX and your panel's functionality when you pair AV-20-E as tailBeaconX's control head. AV-20-E also functions as a digital clock with 12 functions for limitless possibilities. Learn More about tailBeaconX Learn More about AV-20
The AV-APA (analog port adapter) accessory enables aircraft owners with legacy autopilots to replace their old, heavy, vacuum-driven directional gyro with a more capable, lighter, digital AV-30 and potentially remove their vacuum system entirely. The AV-APA emulates the analog heading signal used by legacy autopilots to provide heading hold as well as the ability to follow GPS tracks from a portable or IFR GPS. Features:
- Supported Modes include: GPS Desired Track, GPS Track Hold, GPS Bearing, GPS Steering (GPSS*)
- Supported Autopilots include: S-TEC Systems 20/30/40/50/55/55x/60-2
- AV-APA Installation Kit includes connectors, connector housings, and pins
- New modes and supported autopilots coming soon
AV-Mag external magnetometer is a 3-axis electronic compass. AV-Mag precisely measures the earth’s magnetic field and aids the AV-30 directional heading measurement, improving long-term accuracy and consistency. One AV-Mag can support multiple AV-30 displays.Estimated Shipping: 2-4 weeks
Width: 1.49 Inches Height: 0.67 Inches
Depth: 2.38 Inches Weight: 1.4 oz (40.0 grams) -
AV-Link is the Wi-Fi module companion to the AV-30 panel display. AV-30 packs a generous feature-set in a surprisingly small form-factor, but with our background, we never settle for anything less than nearly impossible. AV-Link expands AV-30's feature-bursting heritage and adds Wi-Fi connectivity to support live traffic from a supported ADS-B receiver, wireless firmware updates, and more with future features already in development. Features:
- Display Live ADS-B Traffic on AV-30-E with a supported ADS-B Receiver, such as ForeFlight Sentry and Sentry Mini, echoUAT, SkyEcho, skySensor, or any standard GDL90 Wi-Fi protocol portable ADS-B receiver with GPS
- Wirelessly update AV-30-E firmware from a computer via Wi-Fi
- New exciting features coming soon that further connect your panel and avionics
The next era of global ADS-B. Compatible with space and ground-based ADS-B surveillance systems, tailBeaconX is a Mode S Extended Squitter ADS-B transponder and WAAS GPS integrated into an LED rear position light. With global compliance, tailBeaconX is the key to limitless destinations. Extend tailBeaconX and your panel's functionality when you pair AV-30 as tailBeaconX's control head. AV-30 also functions as a digital primary AI or DG display with even more features for limitless possibilities. Learn More about tailBeaconX Learn More about AV-30
Upgrade your legacy vacuum-driven instruments to digital precision attitude and directional gyro customizable displays.
- Primary Attitude
- Primary Slip
- Primary Direction Indication
- Probeless Angle Of Attack
- Indicated Airspeed (KTS/MPH)
- Altitude / Vertical Trend / Alerter
- +8 / -8 G-Meter
- OAT / TAS / Density Altitude
- Bus Voltage
- GPS Navigational Data Overlay
- GPS HSI / 360 Rose / Arc Map Mode
- Customizable Colors, Fonts, & Layout
- Audio Alerts (AoA, G, Roll Limits)
- 2 Hr Typical Internal Battery Operation