Mode S and the Ghosts of Equipment Past

In consultation with uAvionix, the FAA has just released a SAFO (Safety Alert for Operators) regarding the pairing of Mode S transponders with skyBeacon and tailBeacon. Although the SAFO is short and to the point, and impacts less than 1% of installed skyBeacon and tailBeacons, it merits explanation as to why it exists. It is [...]


skyBeacon STC Update November 15, 2018

This is a jam-packed newsletter full of BIG NEWS. Grab a cup of coffee, here is what's in store: skyBeacon STC data package accepted by FAA with 272 aircraft AML Shipping by the end of November How to get skyBeacon installed Wingtip fairing adapters tailBeacon update Starboard options - skyLight and skySensor [...]

2024-01-24T14:47:07-06:0011/15/18|Press Release, skybeacon|

uAvionix reveals SkyBeacon-the first near zero-install ADS-B Out Solution

Palo Alto, CA – July 20, 2017, uAvionix Corporation revealed SkyBeacon, the world’s first near zero-install ADS-B Out solution meeting the US 2020 ADS-B Mandate.  SkyBeacon’s innovative design combines the latest LED navigation light technology with an ultra-compact Universal Access Transceiver ADS-B Out solution. With this solution, installation of ADS-B is as simple as [...]

2018-03-05T17:09:36-06:0007/21/17|Press Release, skybeacon|
