Connecting the Cockpit

Ryan Braun - uAvionix Managing Director, Crewed Aviation As a technology enthusiast and consummate early adopter, it grates on me how quickly things become outdated, outmoded, and incompatible. Some of these challenges are a result of the march of progress. I get that HDTV and digital video connections are far superior to old analog TV [...]


uAvionix Launches tailBeaconX Transponder for General Aviation and Urban Air Mobility

Bigfork, MT February 18, 2020 uAvionix today introduced a new ADS-B transponder to its General Aviation (GA) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) lineup.  tailBeaconX, the new Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) ADS-B OUT transponder is intended to address global air traffic surveillance system requirements for current and future ADS-B mandates. Integration with the uAvionix [...]

2021-01-20T23:36:40-06:0002/18/20|Press Release|
