EAA AIRVENTURE, Oshkosh 2016

uAvionix is bringing the world’s smallest ADS-B receivers and transceivers to the largest aviation event in America.  Find us in Hanger D, Booth 4054. EVENT DATE:  July 24, 2016- July 31, 2016 LOCATION:  EAA Aviation Center 3000 Poberezny Road Oshkosh, WI 54902 Learn more about EAA AIRVENTURE [...]

2017-03-23T21:34:05-05:0005/12/16|Press Release|

NextGen ADS-B for Drones Tiny Transceiver Developed

Visit Original Article A Palo Alto, California, company has released the first in a series of lightweight Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast solutions for drones. The pingRX, at $175, is the first of these, enabling ADS-B In for drone pilots. The “detect” in “detect and avoid” is quite a challenge when it comes to drones, [...]

2017-03-23T21:34:05-05:0005/11/16|Press Release|

Xponential News: uAvionix Shrinks Crash Avoidance Technology

Visit Original Article Anticipating the 2020 deadline by which all manned and unmanned aircraft must have collision-avoidance capabilities, Paul Beard is confident that his company’s Ping series of such devices will garner a significant niche in the marketplace. The Palo Alto, California-based company uAvionix Corp. now manufactures what it says is the world’s [...]

2017-03-23T21:34:05-05:0005/05/16|Press Release|

Playground Global leads uAvionix series A investment

Visit Original Article   PALO ALTO, Calif., April 27, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- uAvionix, an emerging leader in aviation communication systems, has closed a $5 million Series A investment, led by Playground Global, a venture capital firm based in Silicon Valley. Playground was founded by Andy Rubin, Bruce Leak, Matt Hershenson, and Peter [...]

2017-03-23T21:34:05-05:0005/01/16|Press Release|