uAvionix reveals SkyBeacon-the first near zero-install ADS-B Out Solution

Palo Alto, CA – July 20, 2017, uAvionix Corporation revealed SkyBeacon, the world’s first near zero-install ADS-B Out solution meeting the US 2020 ADS-B Mandate.  SkyBeacon’s innovative design combines the latest LED navigation light technology with an ultra-compact Universal Access Transceiver ADS-B Out solution. With this solution, installation of ADS-B is as simple as [...]

2018-03-05T17:09:36-06:0007/21/17|Press Release, skybeacon|

uAvionix Announces PingStation – an All-Weather Low-Altitude Dual Band ADS-B Receiver

uAvionix Corporation, the leading Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) avionics solution provider, announced the introduction of PingStation™ – an all-weather, networkable ADS-B receiver for low and high altitude aircraft surveillance. PingStation is robust enough to be permanently mounted outdoors in harsh environmental conditions and small enough to be used as a mobile asset for roaming operations.

2017-06-13T21:37:38-05:0006/13/17|Press Release|

uAvionix named XPONENTIAL 2017 Startup Showdown Winner

This year, Xponential featured sixty-five startup companies from the exploding sUAS industry.  Each applicant presented their products and services for consideration. A diverse panel of industry judges then selected sixteen Semi-Finalists, who competed in Tuesday’s knockout round at Xponential.   After the Tuesday presentations, the judges selected three companies to continue as Finalists. The Finalists: [...]

2020-03-20T10:51:16-05:0005/15/17|Press Release|

GPS World: Drone developments: Avionics, Fuel cells and Swarms

uAvionix in California focuses on equipping aircraft, offering transponders and sensors for integration into UAS and for manned aircraft. Their latest ADS-B offering is a small, lightweight, low-power transponder for unmanned aircraft. uAvionix recently achieved U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval for this unit. The ping200S is designed to meet the requirements of TSO-C199 as a Class A Traffic Awareness Beacon System (TABS).

2017-01-19T12:45:36-06:0001/19/17|Press Release|

Will ADS-B transponders herald the next era for drones?

The skies of the future are going to be busy – with a mixture of manned and unmanned vehicles sharing increasingly crowded skies. Whether it’s Amazon Prime Air, ZipLine, or a professional cinematographer with a DJI drone high in the sky, there are going to be more things flying in this “integrated” airspace than ever before.

2017-03-23T21:34:04-05:0012/31/16|Press Release|
