Opening the skyBeacon IOS App

Connecting to the skyBeacon app with an iPad or android device. Delete your current app if not recently downloaded to ensure the latest version is on your device. Don’t open the app once downloaded. Make sure to turn off the skyBeacon or tailBeacon. 1 Close all the apps that are running [...]


App not connecting

Your phone uses WiFi to connect to the tailBeacon, and the phone is expecting to see internet there. Of course, there is no internet on the tailBeacon. In some instances, the phone will continue to search for internet over cellular data (iPhones in particular), which interferes with the WiFi connection to the skyBeacon. First, [...]


skyBeacon app or password issues?

If you cannot get the phone or tablet to connect to the wifi OR it says “Incorrect password” OR it is stuck on the opening page, Please try these steps: Turn off the power to the Beacon Close ALL apps on your device (On Apple devices that involves swiping the app away and Androids require [...]

