Does the Probeless AoA behave exactly like the probed system?

Yes and no. During the majority of flight conditions, they are equivalent. However, during conditions where the aircraft is moving through a mass of air that has a vertical component, the behavior is slightly different. As vertical updrafts are rarely of concern, the scenario to look at is the downdraft during final approach. In this [...]


How is “Probeless” Angle Of Attack Determined?

Angle of attack is determined by comparing aircraft pitch to the actual flight path angle through the air. This is equivalent to the angle at which the wing is intercepting the body of air surrounding the aircraft - exactly the same as a probe based AoA system. Pitch is determined by a precision internal AHRS, [...]


My aircraft is not on the AML, how can I install the skyBeacon?

Installing the skyBeacon on an aircraft not listed on the AML is approved by the FAA.  A field approval is not required.  Under the FAA Memo titled “Installation Approval for ADS-B OUT Systems,” the FAA explains that after an STC is achieved for ADS-B OUT equipment, additional installations can be accomplished on aircraft not listed under [...]

Why doesn’t the Monitor screen in the mobile app reflect the changes I’ve made?

In some cases with certain devices, the mobile data feature must be disabled to configure the skyBeacon.  Some devices like the Motorola Moto lineup frequently display this behavior.  We are tracking this issue and working on a resolution.  To option to disable Mobile Data is found under Setting on most devices.  Refer to your mobile [...]

Do I need the internet to configure the skyBeacon or tailBeacon?

No, you do not need the internet or an internet connection while configuring the skyBeacon. The "Wi-Fi" connection is simply a radio signal that connects the skyBeacon application on your mobile device to the skyBeacon. You will see a warning of "no internet connection," but that doesn't matter because you are not trying to connect [...]

How does tailBeacon install?

tailBeacon is designed to be a direct replacement for the common navigation light or nav/strobe found on the tail of many aircraft.  tailBeacon has the form factor and installation characteristics of a traditional Grimes style rear postion light,  referred to as a Grimes model S or A-2064. It is recommended that you download the tailBeacon installation [...]

2019-09-06T13:18:28-05:0008/10/18|, |

How long does a typical installation take?

A typical tailBeacon installation will take an installer around 15 minutes.  This is the time taken for the physical installation of the tailBeacon to the aircraft and configure the device. Please note that all aircraft are different and can potentially affect the installation time.  We strongly recommend verification that the tailBeacon will fit the aircraft [...]

2019-09-04T15:59:47-05:0008/10/18|, |

Which aircraft will have STCs for installation of tailBeacon?

The STC is for the Cessna 172. The tail installation satisfies FAA requirements and will enable subsequent tailBeacon installations to be performed on any “suitable aircraft” without STC as a minor alteration. A suitable aircraft supports the installation of the tailBeacon without airframe modification. See mounting template for a 1:1 scale drawing to help you [...]

2020-02-28T11:30:00-06:0008/22/18|, |

I don’t have a Cessna 172. How do I install tailBeacon?

The tailBeacon installation is considered a minor alteration and can be approved by the installer for most aircraft.  At this time a form 337 should be completed and submitted along with the proper logbook entries.   Please note, the installer must determine if the conditions are appropriate for installation on a specific aircraft.  Additional guidance for [...]

2022-10-11T12:10:25-05:0008/22/18|, , |

How is the installation tested to ensure it meets the FAA Requirements?

Once the tailBeacon has been installed it is required that the equipment be tested to show it meets the FAA requirements for ADS-B OUT. An Operational Flight Evaluation (often referred to as a performance flight) must be performed and verified by the FAA.  Additionally, the installer may verify performance on the ground using an ADS-B [...]

What does the Operational Flight Evaluation consist of?

To summarize the requirements of AC20-165B (see links below):  The performance flight should take place for a minimum of 30 minutes from wheels up.  The aircraft should climb to 3,000’+ AGL and perform a minimum of 2 360 degree turns in each direction.  Banks in excess of 30 degrees and extreme maneuvers and attitudes should [...]

Will tailBeacon meet the U.S. ADS-B 2020 mandate?

Yes, tailBeacon will meet the 2020 ADS-B requirements when paired with an existing operational Mode C transponder.  tailBeacon meets or exceeds all required performance and environmental standards for use in the national airspace.   The certified tailBeacon will ship with 4 separate TSO certifications. UAT Transmitter:  TSO-C154c Class B1S WAAS GPS:  TSO-C145d Class Beta I Altitude [...]
